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チアリーダー 洋書/ Cheerleader: Ready? Okay! ★歴史 ファッション 写真 ポスター ポンポン ヴィンテージ アメリカ チアガール

現在價格: 2890 (稅0)
即決價格: 3000 (稅0)
剩餘時間: 5
落標數量: 0件
賣家名稱 grn********さん
總合評價 11,289
正面比率 100%

開始價格: 2890 (税 0 )
最高下標者: 沒有
賣家名稱: grn********
下標單位: 100
開始時間:2024-05-29 22:41 香港:(21:41)
結束時間:2024-06-05 22:41 香港:(21:41)


■商品 中古洋書【Cheerleader: Ready? Okay! 】Elissa Stein著 出版社:Chronicle Books 2004年発行 128ページ ハードカバー サイズ18.5×18.5センチ 定価15.95ドル

■内容 We've got spirit. Yes we do! And that's not all they've got. How about those pleated skirts. Those matching sweaters. The pom-poms, megaphones, and spirit sticks -- cheerleaders really do have it all. And here to prove it is Cheerleader, a peppy tribute to the glory and pageantry of cheerleading. Positively packed with all things cheer-related, Cheerleader harks back to the days when entire communities swarmed the stands to witness the game-day spectacle with cheerleaders at the forefront -- pinnacles of perk and poise. Featuring over 100 vintage images, chapters on cheerleading's history, fashion, and cult status, and sections on boy cheerleaders, mascots, and majorettes, this colorful compendium shows that school spirit will always be at the height of fashion. Ready? Okay!

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