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M.I.A. 洋書写真集★ Arular~Kala~MAYA デザイン・イラスト・アート・フォトブック

現在價格: 4390 (稅0)
即決價格: 4500 (稅0)
剩餘時間: 4
落標數量: 0件
賣家名稱 grn********さん
總合評價 11,297
正面比率 100%

開始價格: 4390 (税 0 )
最高下標者: 沒有
賣家名稱: grn********
下標單位: 100
開始時間:2024-06-04 22:04 香港:(21:04)
結束時間:2024-06-11 22:04 香港:(21:04)


■商品 中古洋書【M.I.A.】 出版社: Rizzoli;Illustrated 2012年発行  191ページ ハードカバー サイズ31.2×23.6センチ 重さ1446グラム 定価35ドル

■A groundbreaking and always controversial musician, M.I.A. is an influential artist and an important cultural figure of the last decade. Here is a documentation of her entire visual output and a telling of her story in collages, photos, and prints from her early years in art school at Central Saint Martins London through to her hugely successful three albums, mixtapes, and live performances at PS1 MoMA, Coachella, various exhibitions, installations, and music video shoots. The artwork is comprised of a wide variety of materials and media: video stills turned to stencils pieced back together to make animated installations; spray-painted canvasses scanned then made into digital collages; photographs videotaped, then run through bad computer connections to create graphic prints; artwork on nails, walls, prints for T-shirts, handmade stage costumes—anything she could find while she was touring. Also included are assorted lyrics and portions of an exclusive interview in which she discusses candidly the personal events and themes which informed her art and music at the time of each campaign. Includes foreword by Steve Loveridge, friend since her art school days and frequent creative collaborator with M.I.A.

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