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L’atelier Carlo Testore fecit.. Cremonae del anno 1765*

現在價格: 480000 (稅0)
剩餘時間: 3
落標數量: 0件
賣家名稱 watsonrecords22
總合評價 3,261
正面比率 100%
出品地新潟県 新潟市北区

開始價格: 480000 (税 0 )
最高下標者: 沒有
賣家名稱: watsonrecords22
下標單位: 1000
開始時間:2024-05-04 20:08 香港:(19:08)
結束時間:2024-05-11 20:08 香港:(19:08)


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an old beautiful workshop violin I got in France from a violin private collector, with its Italian label inside: " Carlo Testore fecit.. Cremonae del anno 1765 " as I tried to picture. This violin has a very nice old dark amber varnish on an orange base, very elegant violin in a great playing condition, it just needs a new passionate player. To be noticed that there is no existing or past soundpost break on the violin. The wood is beautiful, the varnish is outstanding, superb head, very nice arching too as I tried to picture! Body back length: 35,6 cm.

Born at Novara (Italy) 1660. Went to Milan about 1683. Worked with Grancino. Died 1738. The most conspicuous member of the family, but did not produce a very large number of instruments. Several of his Grancino-Amati models have been re-labelled, and sold as genuine Grancinos. Others have occasionally been attributed to Guarnerius. Modelling varies very considerably, but touches of Amati influence predominate. Generally of medium dimenslons, body length 13-3/4 inches, moderate arching. The slight slant in waist-curves foreshadow what is now known as the Guamerian. Occasionally wrought an elegatit and picturesque design but never reached ideality. Without being over-enthusiastic concerning the workmanship, we much acknowledge that it is strong and conscientious though never immaculate in finish. He needed stirring up after certain lapses into a kind of careless go-as-you-please spate, yet seemingly sure-handed style, and should have been encouraged to bestow more critical revision on what was so plainly excellent, and he could have easily stepped into artistry of refinement. Wood always more carefully chosen for tonal resonance rather than appearance. Backs seldom favoured with material other than that of a very slight figure, or quite plain, and this applies also to the ribs. Bellies sometimes of a broad mottled grain. Scrolls generally flat and pinched, but also of pretty swing. Sound-holes somewhat pointed, again foreshadowing the well-known characteristic of a Guarnerius. Purfling generally inaccurate, some unpurfled. Plainness of wood not especially enhanced with its covering of brownish-yellow or yellow with red-brown shading varnish, generally applied thinly and verging on the coldly dull. Tonal quality remarkably powerful, very spontaneous under the bow of a stroke-freedom soloist, far carrying and round, though its sympathetic qualities are sometimes questionable. Violas of medium arching, body length 15-3/4 inches, light golden-brown varnish, and finely free tone. ’Cellos almost invariably of pear-tree wood for backs, bellies of splendid tonal pine (even though a knot here and there sometimes exhibits itself), and bold scrolls of beech wood. Body length 29-1/4 inches, upper bouts 13-7/8; lower 17. Brown varnish with a slight yellow tinge. Also produced several basses of small model, all having a magnificent tone. Favourite instruments of several Italian virtuosi.crit en travers.
(Rfrence : Universal Dictionary of Violin & Bow makers par William Henley)

フランスでヴァイオリンの個人コレクターから手に入れた古い美しい工房製ヴァイオリンで、内側にイタリア語のラベルが貼ってある。“Carlo Testore fecit.. Cremonae del anno 1765 "と書かれている。このヴァイオリンはオレンジ色の下地に濃い琥珀色のニスがとても美しく、とてもエレガントなヴァイオリンで、素晴らしい演奏状態である。このヴァイオリンにはサウンドポストの破損はありません。木部は美しく、ニスも素晴らしく、ヘッドも非常に美しいアーチを描いている!ボディバックの長さ:35.6cm


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